All Posts by Jenny Morris

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Jul 03

Celebrating a birthday and anniversary for women’s rights. Can you guess what and who?

By Jenny Morris | Faith , Inspiration

Celebrating a birthday and anniversary for women’s rights. Can you guess what and who?

A woman who hears me read the Bible aloud every week told me she was born in 1926. I thought,”wow”, that was 6 years after the 19th amendment to our constitution was ratified giving women the right to vote. This right had rarely crossed my mind during my younger years because it didn’t occur to me that there was a time when women couldn’t vote.

The women in my family were always feisty, independent and oftentimes a little rebellious. I was encouraged to form my own opinions, though once I did, I felt that everyone would have been happier If I didn’t because often it conflicted with their point of view.

I am constantly praying and following the inspiration I receive from God. After a prayer on how my talents could be best used next, I met a woman in a business meeting who was telling those of us at her table that she reenacted Elizabeth Cady Stanton in a one woman show. I had many questions for her and expressed an enormous amount of enthusiasm about her performances.

I told her how much I enjoyed theater and had trained as an actress in New York City.  She turned to me and exclaimed, “would you join my presentation and reenact Susan B Anthony?” “Yes,” I said with great excitement, because I knew that this was a Divine connection that would lead me to my next “calling”.

Thus began my research into the suffragette movement.  If you are a history buff or supporter of the women’s movement, then the following facts will be no surprise to you. This year not only are we celebrating a woman’s right to vote, but it is 200 years since the birth of Susan B Anthony.

Susan was a social reformer and women’s rights activist. She didn’t start out as a suffragette but as an activist in the Temperance and abolitionist movements. Once she met Elizabeth Cady Stanton, she dedicated her life to equal rights for women. She intuitively knew that without a woman’s right to vote these other topics she spoke about may not gain the support needed.

There was nothing easy about being a suffragette. Women often were thrown in prison, fined and went on hunger strikes.

If you lived in those times, what would you have done?

Is the right to vote important to you?

Do you remember the first president you voted for and what year it took place?

Here’s a quiz to test your knowledge on the suffragette movement;

Want to share your score? Email me at: [email protected]

Jenny Morris has a BA degree in social work, and added the most important element, God, as the ultimate healer. How could any difficulty be resolved without prayer for the right solutions?
Jenny received her CCLC, MCLC, Stress Relief Coach© and Quasar Life Coach© certification, then developed the Relationship Communication Specialist© training and certification program in collaboration with Dr. Leelo Bush.
Jenny has spoken at a variety of national, international and local conferences throughout the years. She especially loves uplifting others through her engaging presentations laced with stories from the Bible, making them highly relevant and interactive with contemporary subject matter.
For more information or to sign-up for her newsletter, visit:
Jun 11

Do you know your Godly heritage? Finding your own footsteps.

By Jenny Morris | Career Transitions , Faith , Inspiration

Do You Know Your Godly Heritage? Finding Your Own Footsteps.

Have you ever thought I am just like my dad, mom, aunt or any other relative?  Or perhaps someone said to you that you were just like a family member. When my siblings and I were young, we would cringe at the thought of being just like someone else if we felt the comparison was not very flattering.  

Did you know that you have a goodly heritage as stated in the Bible? Yes, it’s true! We are God’s image and likeness and so are our parents. But we don’t look to the flesh for evidence of this because God is Spirit. (John 4:24) 

You are not in the flesh, you are in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. (Rom 8:9)  

It is more fun and exciting to see our Godly, and Goodly heritage. How do you reflect your Divine Father? Are you good at sports, that takes balance and coordination? Do you love music, art, or anything that is creative?

David wrote the Psalms and played the harp. Exodus:35 tells us that we are filled with the Spirit of God, with ability, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanshipto devise artistic designs, to work in gold and silver and bronze. Maybe you are good at math and science. Have you ever read the description of making the Ark of the Covenant that held the Ten Commandments? Those instructions were precise and required a lot of measuring.

Check out this short video: 

Whatever your talents are, they came from God.  We inherit all good from God. 

As they say, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”  No! not that apple in the garden of Eden, but the apple of God’s eye, “You”.

Jenny Morris has a BA degree in social work, and added the most important element, God, as the ultimate healer. How could any difficulty be resolved without prayer for the right solutions?

Jenny received her CCLC, MCLC, Stress Relief Coach© and Quasar Life Coach© certification, then developed the Relationship Communication Specialist© training and certification program in collaboration with Dr. Leelo Bush.

Jenny has spoken at a variety of national, international and local conferences throughout the years. She especially loves uplifting others through her engaging presentations laced with stories from the Bible, making them highly relevant and interactive with contemporary subject matter.

For more information or to sign-up for her newsletter, visit:

May 12

Clarify Your Calling!

By Jenny Morris | Career Transitions , Faith , Inspiration

Clarify Your Calling

Embrace the role you were born to play!

What does it mean to Clarify your Calling?

In the past few years, I had the privilege of meeting with teenage girls in my home.  “Privileged?” you might ask.

        These extraordinary young women all struggled with an answer to the same question: what should I do with the rest of my life?  The need to explore this quest happened within minutes of us sitting down at my dining room table.

 The answer, of course, is not to focus on “the rest of your life” but what to do next. These girls were international students, missionaries, and high schoolers, all from different backgrounds. It gave me an opportunity to listen to their stories, interests, and frustrations which resulted in a deep conversation to help them clarify their calling.

So, what does “Clarify your Calling” exactly mean?  When any endeavor seems complicated, obscure or confusing, the starting point to shed light on the subject is to listen, uncover, and illumine all the elements that make each one of us unique. I listen for what makes an individual enthusiastic about the story they are telling. I watch the way their eyes light up when something is important, and how excited they are to share it. Then I ask questions that help a person to gain insight into their distinct purpose.

Everyone has a “Calling” or “Divine Design” that makes them of great value. It is easy for us to “miss the mark” and try to create our own blueprint without God’s help.

But If your heart’s desire is to find the calling that God has ordained for your life in order to experience the glories of His plan, it is easy if you daily start your prayers with “Thy will be done” Then ask God what He wants you to accomplish that day for His glory and guide you towards the next step to embracing the role you were born to play. Listen! “Your own ears will hear Him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go, whether to the right or to the left.” Isaiah 30:21

Seeking Clarity on God’s Calling for Your Life?

Schedule a free 30 minute session.  Go to:

Jenny Morris has a BA degree in social work, and added the most important element, God, as the ultimate healer. How could any difficulty be resolved without prayer for the right solutions?

Jenny received her CCLC, MCLC, Stress Relief Coach© and Quasar Life Coach© certification, then developed the Relationship Communication Specialist© training and certification program in collaboration with Dr. Leelo Bush.

Jenny has spoken at a variety of national, international and local conferences throughout the years. She especially loves uplifting others through her engaging presentations laced with stories from the Bible, making them highly relevant and interactive with contemporary subject matter.

For more information or to sign-up for her newsletter, visit:

Mar 18

What vow will you take? The Easter story.

By Jenny Morris | Bible Based , Faith , Inspiration , Scriptures

What vow will you take?

My friend told me she was going to a little village in Germany to watch a Passion play that is presented every ten years as a vow to God to keep them safe from the Bubonic Plague. “What’s a Passion play,” I asked. She told me it’s the Easter story where Jesus is arrested, put on trial, and crucified. “It’s such a sad story, not one I feel passionate about.”

“Passion in Latin means suffering,” she explained. The above conversation took place years ago, and it came to mind because this year is one of the towns anniversary years, and the world is experiencing a plague of our own.

The Oberammergau history  according to;– In the 17th century the thirty years’ war took place (1618-1648) in central Europe and was one of history’s most devastating. As a result of the war, poverty and disease was widespread and thousands died as a result of the plague. In the small village of Oberammergau alone there were 80 deaths. During this time of suffering the citizens of Oberammergau made a sacred pledge that every 10 years they would perform a “Play of the Suffering, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ” if God would protect them from the plague. Legend has it that after the vow was made, there was not even one further case of Bubonic Plague in the village and those town members that already were afflicted recovered.


Oberammergau passion play history – The promise was fulfilled for the first time during Pentecost in 1634 and every 10 years since, the villagers of Oberammergau have continued to implement their pledge with the exception of 1940 when the play was cancelled due to World War 2.

This tradition has continued over 4 centuries with only residents of Oberammergau permitted to actually take part. The participants devote a year of their lives to re-enact the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, the Easter story. All of the people taking part in the Passion play or as it is known in German “Passionsspiele” are ordinary people who carry on pursuing their normal everyday lives such as doctors, teachers, housewives etc. All the main speaking parts have always been filled by actors who were born in Oberammergau or have lived there for at least 20 years. This custom has remained throughout the 380 years since this world famous Passion Play was first performed and has become a part of their Easter story.

Watch this trailer for The Passion Play  The Passion Play of Oberammergau

What insights have you received from praying about this virus? My go to Bible verse comes from Psalm 91

Whoever goes to the Lord for safety,
whoever remains under the protection of the Almighty,
can say to him,
"You are my defender and protector.
You are my God; in you I trust."
He will keep you safe from all hidden dangers
and from all deadly diseases.
He will cover you with his wings;
you will be safe in his care;

Wishing you and yours a Happy Easter!

Jenny Morris has a BA degree in social work, and added the most important element, God, as the ultimate healer. How could any difficulty be resolved without prayer for the right solutions?

Jenny received her CCLC, MCLC, Stress Relief Coach© and Quasar Life Coach© certification, then developed the Relationship Communication Specialist© training and certification program in collaboration with Dr. Leelo Bush.

Jenny has spoken at a variety of national, international and local conferences throughout the years. She especially loves uplifting others through her engaging presentations laced with stories from the Bible, making them highly relevant and interactive with contemporary subject matter.

For more information or to sign-up for her newsletter, visit:

Aug 27

The Secrets of the Scriptures

By Jenny Morris | Bible Based , Faith , Inspiration

Hello Everyone,

I am so happy that many of you took the time to click on the link in my latest newsletter to listen to my interview with Dr. Abby. However, some of my readers may have had difficulty finding the interview on The Secrets of the Scriptures website. Here are the directions on how to find the interview on the website.

After you click on the link below, please scroll down to the bottom of the webpage and click on Show #3 and the audio will play.

I hope you enjoy the interview, get inspired and live your life to the fullest!

Jenny Grace Morris

Aug 27

Jenny Grace Morris Living the Faith and Inspiration ……

By Jenny Morris | Faith , Inspiration

As Raphael joined us, we began a deep conversation about God and the Bible.One of the themes in our church sermon that week was heaven. I mentioned the Bible verse from Luke 17:20-21 that says “Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”

Like many of us, we are waiting to pass on and then go to the kingdom. As he asked questions the verse from the Lord’s prayer came to me. “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. I wanted him to know he could feel the presence of heaven right now.

I am grateful to have met Raphael. I continue to pray for him hoping love and kindness continues to find him well.

Aug 27

An Angel in disguise ……..

By Jenny Morris | Bible Based , Inspiration

This month, with the help of my niece, Tamzin, I would like to tell you a profound story of someone who recently touched us in a very special way.

People come and go in our lives but sometimes, they leave a mark on our hearts.

Sunday morning, June 24, we were walking to church on Lexington Avenue in NYC. I saw a homeless woman whom I had seen the previous night, standing in the same place she was sitting down  I mentioned to my niece that we had called the number advertised in the city as the place to get help for anyone without a home to live in.

My niece said that often times people resist the help and there isn’t anything one could do. We continued our conversation with ideas that perhaps would work. I also gave her an example of a marvelous woman I know named Luci who provides a shelter for homeless people in Florida. She is fearless, faithful and has an enormous impact on the lives of the people in need. She not only nourishes them physically but spiritually.

We were on Park avenue on our way to church and up ahead, on the corner, we saw a man holding out a styrofoam cup. He was obviously homeless. None of us carry change so when the man asked if we had any to spare, Tamzin and her husband Jaime shook their heads, no. Without giving it any thought, I said to him “Come to church with us!” And, to our surprise, he did!

He told us that he was afraid he would be kicked out of our church because all the other churches he went into asked him to leave. We assured him that they might ask him to go out into the foyer if he interrupted the sermon but that we were sure he would be most welcome.

All the time he walked with us we were chatting about life and God and what it all means. He was so well versed in the Bible that I exclaimed: “You have a ministry!”. We all came to the conclusion that it was meant to be that we ran into him for we had asked God “Give me more opportunities to give, to show love, to show kindness.” He was asking “I am hungry, please let me eat today.” He was fed in more ways than one. Tamzin took him into the cafe, got him some coffee. 2 sandwiches and a slice of chocolate cake.

All the while, on our way to church, we surrounded him in love, understanding, and appreciation. We found him to be bright, eager, with lots of love to give. We listened and comforted. He told us that when he saw us approaching him on Park avenue he thought maybe we would give him a quarter. He never thought so much love would be given to him. He is human and he is homeless. That makes him no less in need of human kindness and dignity we told him after he mentioned that most of his family wouldn’t have anything to do with him.. I gave him some literature from our church and then we all went inside to wash our hands. When Tamzin and I came out of the restroom Jamie told us Raphael appreciated all we did for him but he needed to get somewhere.

We were grateful to have met Raphael. We continue to pray for him hoping love and kindness continues to find him well.

Jan 25

Ask Amazing Grace: People always ask me for money and I give to everyone. It affects my own income, what should I do?

By Jenny Morris | Faith , Inspiration

Q: People always ask me for money and I give to everyone. It affects my own income, what should I do?

A: You are obviously a very generous person with a big heart. I think its right to take care of others when God directed but not to the detriment of oneself. Each scenario needs to be prayed about for the right solution. Sometimes giving money is the answer. I support a variety of causes and receive requests from myriad organizations to help them too. Also, people on the street might ask or simply look like they need food and shelter. One year my daughter and I purchased food, water, hats, scarves, gloves and other items and put them in bags. We included a religious article about Home and everyone’s God given right to have a good place to live. It spoke about how to pray effectively and where to go for spiritual support. We handed them out in the streets of NYC. In addition, I might purchase food for someone rather than hand them money.

This story from Acts 3 addresses your question. “Now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful, where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts.
When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them.

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong. He jumped to his feet and began to walk. Then he went with them into the temple courts, walking and jumping, and praising God. (NIV)

Isn’t this the real need for everyone. Its to know that God gives us what will truly bless us. Giving that lame man money would only benefit him temporarily but giving him the ability to walk and care for himself had long lasting value. We too can listen to God’s answer to what would best help each individual. God is the source of all good and when we direct each person to learning about God and His infinite ways to take care of all our needs, we will give that person the best gift in the world.

Jan 25

Ask Amazing Grace: I feel like I’m under attack

By Jenny Morris | Uncategorized

Q: I feel like I’m under attack. All these problems have come at the same time, why is this happening?

A: This question arises amongst many faithful believers. I remember a woman in a church I visited had said it was obvious that God didn’t want her living in that city because all she experienced since she arrived was one bad situation after another and this must be a sign. I told her that God doesn’t speak to us through fear and tribulation. If this city wasn’t right for her, she would have a peace about moving on.God would take her to another destination but it would come through a loving direction rather than despair. Immediately she relaxed and appreciated that perspective. She was relieved to know that Gods nature wouldn’t put her in harms way.
I have experienced times though when something didn’t feel right. Nothing bad happened but it was what I call “Spiritual Intuition” The situation wasn’t right or perhaps the person whom I encountered was not a good fit for me. This is one of Gods’ ways to prevent negative circumstances in our lives.